The purpose of the series is to highlight the current research of our faculty and students. This is a great opportunity to network with other students and faculty who have similar interest and career paths as well as present your own research and knowledge.
Speaker/Topics: Dr. Anna Jilla "Characterizing dispersion of audiologists in Texas: A study of workforce sufficiency for public health in rural and border communities"
Dr. Berna Tokgoz "CRISys community resilience framework as a practical guideline for decision makers in case of natural hazards"
For more information on previous Brown Bag lecture's or to be a part of our email distribution list to receive notifications on upcoming lectures, please contact one of our Center staff members.
Teressa Robertson, Assistant Director of Engagement
Marilyn Guidry, Assistant Director Data/Research
Speaking on facilities on campus that are available for research. On campus research facilities include GPS Base Stations and the Weather Base Station.
Dr. Xuejun Fan, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering presents "Resiliency and Reliability of Electronics Infrastructure in SETX"
Dr. Maryam Vasefi, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, presents "Cognitive Decline in the Aftermath of A Natural Disaster"
Dr. Agim Kukeli, Instructor of Economics, Department of Business, and Dr. Gevorg Sargsyan, Assistant Professor of Finance, Department of Business, presents "Macroeconomic Effects and Dynamics of Natural Disaster Damages: Evidence from SETX on the Resiliency Hypothesis"
Dr. Chiung-Fang Chang, Associate Professor of Sociology, Social Work, and Criminal Justice, presents "Resilience and Recovery Academy"
Dr. Berna Tokgoz, Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering, presents"Increasing the Oil and Gas Pipeline Resiliency using Drones and Image Processing Algorithm"
Dr. Philip Cole, Chair and Professor of Physics, presents "Tunable Laser Imaging for the Detection of Methane Leaks in Soils"
Nayana Muppavarapu, doctoral student of Civil Engineering, presents "Flood Mitigation and Resiliency"
Dr. Donna Meeks, Professor of Painting and Drawing, presents "Bounce Back: Artmaking and Resiliency"
Dr. Matthew Hoch, Associate Professor of Aquatic & Microbial Ecology, presents "Southeast Texas Coastal Marshes: Value, Resiliency Roles, and Need to Restore"
Dr. Troy Palmer, Assistant Professor of Nursing, presents "Supporting Resiliency in Rural Health Through Telehealth, Telemedicine, and Distance Education."
Dr. Kimberly McGough, Assistant Professor of Counseling, presents "I'm Stronger Today"
Dr. Yueqing Li, Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering, presents "Use of Connected Vehicle (CV) Environments to Improve Resiliency of Transportation Systems in Severe Weather"
Dr. Xingya Liu, Associate Professor of Computer Science, presents "Drone-based Internet Access for Temporary Communications during Natural Disasters"
Dr. Ashwini Kucknoor, Associate Professor of Biology presents "Microbial source tracking and pathogen identification before and after storm-water surges on Jefferson County beaches"
Ms. Temitope Owoyombo, a Master student in Earth and Space Sciences working with Dr. Joseph Kruger, presents "Recent Subsidence Rates in Jefferson County from Repeated GPS Benchmark Measurements"
Dr. Kelly Weeks, Associate Professor of Management presents "Oil Price Uncertainty and Strategic Resilience Responses to the Offshore Industry".
Dr. Tracy Benson, Chair and Professor of Chemical Engineering presents "Resilience and Recovery Corp".